Friday, November 29, 2019

Jelousy William Shakespeares Othello Essays - Othello, Iago

Jelousy: William Shakespeare's Othello Jealousy There are evil people in this world; greedy, manipulative, overbearing and jealous. Iago, in William Shakespeare's Othello, is an evil, malignant character. He uses people's goodness, integrity, and ignorance to get what he wants. When Othello's position is higher through character and status, Iago becomes jealous and decides that Othello must be eliminated. Iago is aware of the jealousy inside himself. Othello is a good man at heart, but is not aware of his evil and jealousy, and therefore will not be able to control it. Iago takes advantage of this and uses Othello's trust to manipulate Othello into revealing his true character. Iago, like any great manipulator, moves indirectly so he is never suspected. He uses Roderigo to get to Cassio, Desdemona, and Othello. Once the peace is disrupted, Iago moves directly to Othello. Everyone trusts Iago and believes that he is trying to do the best for them. Iago uses Roderigo to get Cassio in trouble with Othello. Since Roderigo is in love with Desdemona, I confess it is my shame to be so found (of Desdemona)(Act 1. Sc 3. Ln 360), Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is in love with her and she in love with Cassio. Desdemona is directly in love with him.(Act2. Sc1. Ln240) This upsets Roderigo and he is more prone to fight Cassio when told by Iago to do so. Roderigo does not just have Othello to compete with anymore; he has Cassio as well. Iago tells Roderigo that he can win Desdemona from Cassio by fighting and from Othello by following her to Cyprus. So Roderigo listens to and trusts the man, fights Cassio, sells his land and brings Iago to Cyprus. After the fight Cassio is dismissed from his office by Othello. Iago wins. Cassio is in trouble, is no longer Othello's lieutenant and Iago is in Cyprus with Othello. He then moves in on Cassio. Cassio is another step closer for Iago's plan to cause Othello's demise. Iago convinces Cassio to ask Desdemona, Othello's wife, to help in reinstating him. By Cassio asking Desdemona for help, the two have times when they are together, and Desdemona decides to support Cassio. Cassio goes to Desdemona for reinstatement to his lieutenancy because Iago tells him that it is best to not go directly to Othello. Confess yourself freely to her. Importune her help to put you in your place again.(act2.sc3.ln357). Cassio trusts the honest Iago and asked Desdemona for her helped. This will later cause Othello's jealously to escalate. After the fight between Roderigo and Cassio, Othello turns to Iago for help, which Iago gives after a little hesitation. Honest Iago, that looks dead with grieving, speak. Who began this? I do n ot know?I can not speak any beginning to this peevish odds?. Cassio following him with determined sword to execute him. (Act 2. Sc3. Lns189-243). Now that Cassio is on Othello's bad side and Iago is on his good side, Iago goes in for the kill. Othello is being manipulated and lied to by Iago. Iago puts ideas of Cassio's adulterous behavior with Desdemona in Othello's mind, lets it simmer, then backs it up with lies and orchestrates scenarios that look to be the truth. Othello's trust for human kind and good nature proves to be detrimental in this instance and ends in his death. Othello had been the top dog in Venice. He was an honorable black general, frightening, but respected. He had had a wonderful army and loving, beautiful wife, who all followed orders. He had had everything Iago wanted, and Iago hated him for it. I hate the Moor.(act1.sc3.ln429). At first Iago just wants Cassio's lieutenancy, but when he gets it he goes for Othello, too. Iago uses Othello's superficial goodness to strip him of all his self respect and confidence with his suggestion of Desdemona's betrayal. Othello's goodness is not real integrity and good character. He is fake to himself and to others. Othello touches and deals with everything on a superficial level. He never goes deeply into relationships. Othello is the general of an army; he never really gets to know his soldiers, but is respected by them. His wife, Desdemona, doesn't fall in love

Monday, November 25, 2019

Factor Analysis Essay Example

Factor Analysis Essay Example Factor Analysis Essay Factor Analysis Essay Factor Analysis Introduction Basic Concept of Factor Analysis Factor analysis is a statistical approach to reduce a large set of variables that are mostly correlated to each other to a small set of variables or factors. It is also used to explain the variables in the common underlying factors. (Hair et al, 1998) Malhotra, 2006 mentioned that factor analysis is also an interdependence technique that both dependent and independent variables are examined without making distinction between them Conducting Factor Analysis 1. Formulate the problem In this research, researcher’s objective is to determine the factors that influence customers’ satisfaction with their internet service provider in Malaysia such as Streamyx, Digi Broadband, Maxis Broadband, P1 and others (Malaysia Central, 2011). Mall intercept was used to interview a total of 30 respondents at Midvalley Megamall. Questionnaires were distributed and respondents are required to show their degree of agreement with the statements below whereby means very strongly disagree and means very strongly agrees: [pic] [pic] Figure 1. 1: Input in SPSS . Is the data appropriate? a) The correlation matrix Base on the data above, the correlation matrix was run to examine if the factor analysis is appropriate. Variables opt to be inter-related in order to be suitable to conduct a factor analysis. In other words, if all the variables have nothing in common, they can’t be analyzed into common factor. Hair et al, 1998 indicates that rule of thumb for factor analysi s is a considerable correlation of 0. 3. Field, 2009 has emphasized that if there is any value greater then 0. 9, the variables may be omitted. According to the result, V3 (quality support), V5 (sincere interest in problem solving), V6 (prompt service), V7 (willingness to help), V8 (politeness) and V9 (knowledgeable) have high correlations about more than 50% (as highlighted in yellow) All the 5 variables may be inter-related under the same factor. |Figure1. 2: Correlation Matrix | | | |Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. |. 55 | | | | | |Bartletts Test of Sphericity |Approx. Chi-Square |166. 649 | | |df |36 | | |Sig. |. 000 | 3. Method of Factor Analysis After examining the suitableness to apply factor analysis in these data, right method of factor analysis would be selected. There are two approaches are the principal components analysis and common factor analysis. Malhotra 2006 indicates that principal components analysis takes into account the total variation of the data to generate the factor. In this research, principal component analysis is employed as the objective is to identify least number of factors to explain a maximum variance. a) Communalities Figure 1. 4 below shows the table of communalities before and after extraction. The initial assumption of principal component analysis is that all variance is common. Hence, the communalities equal to 1 before extraction. (Field, 2009) The extraction explains the common variance of the data which show researcher the relationship of the variables with each others. So for example, 72. 3% of the variance related with V1 is common or shared. In this research, all 9 variables have accounted high value, hence, they fit well with the factor solution and none of them would be dropped from the analysis. Field 2009 mentioned that communalities after extraction to be of value above 0. 5. |Figure 1. 4: Communalities | |Initial |Extraction | |V1 |1. 000 |. 723 | |V2 |1. 000 |. 894 | |V3 |1. 000 |. 760 | |V4 |1. 000 |. 837 | |V5 |1. 000 |. 775 | |V6 |1. 000 |. 788 | |V7 |1. 000 |. 807 | |V8 |1. 000 |. 771 | |V9 |1. 000 |. 818 | |Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. | b) Eigenvalues In addition to the Principal Component Analysis, researcher would take into account the Eigenvalue which signify how much each factor explains towards total variance (Malhotra, 2009). At this stage, research would look into initial Eigenvalues. At the preliminary stage, the Eigenvalues will have 9 linear components which are as many factors as the variables. The results also display the percentage of variance explained, so for example factor 1 explains 48. 796 of the total variance. SPSS will then remove the eigenvalues less than 1 and only remain 3 factors which the column is labeled as ‘Extraction sums of Squared Loading’. Subsequently, SPSS generated the 3rd column which is rotated eigenvalue. Before rotation, factor 1 has explained greater variance. For the subsequent steps, researcher would look into several considerations of Eigenvalues in order to find out the numbers of factors that should be used in this analysis. |Figure 1. 5: Total Variance Explained | |Component |Initial Eigenvalues |Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings |Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings | | | . Determine the Number of Factors At this point, researcher would determine how many factors to explain the maximum variance. Malhotra, 2009 has specify 6 methods which are base on scree plot, eigenvalues, percentage of variance, significance test, split half reliability, and a prior determination. In this analysis, researcher has chosen 4 methods to determine the number of method. a) A Priori Determination This method is used when the researcher has prior knowledge of the number of factor that can be extracted beforehand. Hence, this ou tcome may be observed from the correlation matrix (Figure 1. ). There are possibilities that V3, V5, V6, V7, V8 and V9 will be one factor and hence, the remaining variables may be categorized another factor. Besides, researcher may denote the specific number of factors he or she wants. In this case, there are three factors is identified. b) Determination Based on Eigenvalues There is a criteria that researcher will to take into account when basing on Eigenvalues. Aaker et al, 2009 signify that factors with Eigenvalues that is lesser than 1. 0 will be ignored and excluded from the model. Hence, base on Figure 1. 5, only 3 factors is retained. Malhotra, 2009 adds on that the factors with Eigenvalues less than 1. 0 is as equal to single variable. c) Determination Based on Scree Plot A scree plot is plotted with Eigenvalues on the y-axis against the number of factors in x-axis. In general, the plot will show a distinct break with a steep slope or inflexion point on the curve due to the large Eigenvalues and the curve will tail off with the small Eigenvalues. The inflexion point represents the number of factors to be included according to experimental evidence (Malhotra, 2009). However, Malhotra (2009) notify that the scree plot may have more factors than the Eigenvalue criterion. As a result, Figure 1. 6 illustrates that three factors should be included in the model. [pic] Figure 1. 6: Scree Plot d) Determination based on Percentage of Variance In order to identify the number of the factors extracted, the cumulative percentage of variance extracted by factors should achieve a satisfactory level which is 60 percent. (Aaker et al, 2009). Therefore, referring to Figure 1. 5, the number of factors determined is two at 67. 476%. The satisfactory level (60%) falls in component 2 and confirms 2 factors. Figure 1. 7 is a summary of result of all the methods above. The result has shown that three factors would be a reasonable conclusion for factors to be included in the model. This is due to Eigenvalues result will be taken greater consideration than others determination even though determination base on cumulative percentage variance indicates 2 factors. |Method |Observation |Decision | |A Priori |Correlation matrix |3 factors | |Eigenvalue |Eigenvalue ; 1. |3 factors | |Scree Plot |Distinct break of scree |3 factors | |Cumulative percentage variance |Marginal % gain in variance |2 factors | Figure 1. 7: Summary of Numbers of Factor Determination 5. Factor Rotation Figure 1. 8 shows the component matrix which is also known as the unrotated factor matrix in factor analysis. The unrotated factor matrix denotes the relationship between the factors and individual variables. For example the factor loading V1 (Connection Speed) has large value of 0. 836 indicates that connection speed is closely related with the factors. As the factors are correlated with many variables, it is rarely that the results can be interpreted, even though the unrotated factor matrix shows the correlation between the factors and the variables. For instance, V2 and V4 are loading on two factors. So this makes researcher difficult to interpret the factors. Therefore, it is made easy for researcher to interpret the matrix generated if the factors are rotated. Figure 1. 9 shows the rotated component matrix. So what does it means by rotating the factors? The rotation is known as orthogonal rotation when the axes are retained at the correct angles (Malhotra, 2009). In this case, researcher has chosen the most commonly method which is the varimax procedure which boost interpretability by minimizing number of variables loading on a factor. Both unrotated and rotated component is set as not showing any loading lower than 0. 3 as it is insignificant for the model. The result of Figure 1. 9 shows three factors are extracted. It is clearly shown that V3, V5, V6, V7, V8 and V9 load highly on Factor 1. Although V3 and V5 load on more than one factor, it is significant that the loading value on Factor 1 is higher as compared. On the other hand, the loading for V1 may be uncertain. However, looking into various areas, V1 as connection speed seem to be related to V2 (Easy to connect). Hence, V1 with higher loading and V2 are correlated with Factor 2. In that case, V4 (Billing) only is loaded in Factor 3. |Figure 1. 9: Rotated Component Matrixa | | |Component | | |1 |2 |3 | |V1 | |. 648 |. 40 | |V2 | |. 942 | | |V3 |. 813 |. 308 | | |V4 | | |. 910 | |V5 |. 753 |-. 339 |. 307 | |V6 |. 872 | | | |V7 |. 898 | | | |V8 |. 873 | | | |V9 |. 898 | | | |Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. | |Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. |a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations. | | | |Figure 1. 8: Component Matrixa | | |Component | | |1 |2 |3 | |V1 | |. 836 | | |V2 | |. 799 |-. 493 | |V3 |. 800 | | | |V4 | |. 508 |. 757 | |V5 |. 768 | |. 416 | |V6 |. 869 | | | V7 |. 897 | | | | V8 |. 874 | | | |V9 |. 901 | | | |Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. | |a. 3 components extracted. | 6. Interpret Factors Interpretation can be done by identifying the variables which have high loadings on the same factor (Malhotra, 2009). From the Rotated Component Matrix, Factor 1 has high coefficient with V3 (quality support), V5 (sincere interest in solving problem), V6 (prompt service), V7 (wiliness to help), V8 (politeness) and V9 (knowledgeable). All this variables are related to customer service which is the supporting service element. Therefore, Factor 1 is labeled as the supporting service. On the other hand, Factor 2 has high coefficient with V1 (connection speed) and V2 (easy to connect). Both variables are the core service of an internet service provider (ISP). Thus, Factor 2 is labeled as Core Service. Lastly, Factor 3 only has high coefficient with V4 (billing) and thus the factor is labeled as Facilitating Service (Billing). (Referring to Figure 1. 10) Figure 1. 10: Factor Labeling Supporting Service |Core Service |Facilitating Service | | |V1 (connection speed) | | | |V2 (easy to connect) | | |V3 (quality support) | | | | | |V3 (billing) | |V5 (sincere interest in solving problem) | | | |V6 (prompt service) | | | |V7 (wiliness to help) | | |V8 (politeness | | | |V9 (knowledgeable) | | | 7. Determine the Model Fit The determination of the model fit is the last step of factor analysis. This can be done by examining the difference between the observed correlation and the reproduced correlation. The difference is known as residual (Malhotra, 2009). Therefore, Malhotra, 2009 indicated that if there are more than 50% of residuals exist, the factor model is a poor fitting model. Examining the upper triangle of residual in Figure 1. 11, there are 21 (58%) of non-redundant residuals with absolute values greater than 0. 05. As a result, the factor model provides poor fitting to the data. Reconsideration towards the model needs to be taken. This issues occurs in this case might be due to small sample size of 30 or respondent bias. Hence, the model can be enhanced by increasing the sample size. |Figure 1. 11: Reproduced Correlations | | | |a. Reproduced communalities | |b. Residuals are computed between observed and reproduced correlations. There are 21 (58. 0%) nonredundant residuals with absolute values greater than 0. 05. | Conclusion In conclusion, factor analysis has reduced the data and summarizes the variables into 3 factors which are supporting service, core service and facilitating service. The method used, principals components analysis has determine the minimum number of factors which is three factors and yet explain as much as possible towards the variance. Regression Analysis Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical technique to analyze the relationship between a metric dependent variable (criterion variable) and one or more independent variables (predictor variables) (Malhotra, 2009). The aim for this procedure is to build a regression model or equation in relation to the dependent variable to independent variable(s) (Lind et al, 2010). In this case, multiple regression analysis is used when there are more than one independent variables. With the factors that were developed in Factor analysis, now the relationship between the dependent variables, V10 (Customer satisfaction) and three independent variables (Core services, Supporting Service, and Facilitating Services) In general, a multiple regression equation for predicting Y can be expressed a follows: (Berger, 2003) [pic] Conducting multiple regression analysis 1. State the Objectives The objective of this analysis is to predict the customer satisfaction towards ISP (Y) with the respect to the following independent variables (Xs): i. Supporting Services ii. Core Services iii. Facilitating Service 2. Plot the Scatter Diagram (Linearity) The relationship between variables can be determined through scatter diagram. It is plots the dependent variable on x-axis against the independent variable on y-axis. Plotting a scatter diagram may bring attention to the researcher to a pattern in the data and identifying possible problems (Malhotra, 2009) [pic] Figure 2. 1: Scatter Plot (Customer Satisfaction against Supporting Services) Figure 2. 1 has shown mere relationship between customer satisfaction against supporting services as it is complex to draw proper linear on the plot. [pic] Figure 2. 2: Scatter Plot (Customer Satisfaction against Core Services) Figure 2. shows similar result as the previous relationship that it has little relationship between customer satisfaction and supporting services. The number of outliers seems to be more extreme in this case. [pic] Figure 2. 3: Scatter Plot (Customer Satisfaction against Facilitating Service) Figure 2. 3 shows rather better result than the previous relationship that researcher can draw a straight line relationship between customer satisfaction and facilitating services. Base on the 3 scatter plot of different variables, there isn’t clear relationship towards the customer satisfaction. However, the plot may not be able to show clear linear relationship between variables as the sample size taken is only 30. Different results may occur if another 30 respondents is examined. In addition, this issue may be due to the sample size is base on convenient sampling and bias respondents. Figure 2. 4 below study the relationship between the three variables on hand. For example, if there is any variable that is highly related with another variable, one of them may be removed to create a better result in regression. According to Pearson Correlation below, there are mere relationships between supporting service and core services which is only 0. 005. Likewise, supporting services has small negative relationship with facilitating service. Lastly, the core services is about 27% towards facilitating services which is still consider as slightly related. |Figure 2. Correlations | | | |Supporting_ |Core_ |Facilitating_ | | | |Services |Services |Service | |Supporting_Services |Pearson Correlation |1 |. 005 |-. 056 | | |Sig. (2-tailed) | |. 978 |. 69 | | |N |30 |30 |30 | |Core_Services |Pearson Correlation |. 005 |1 |. 273 | | |Sig. (2-tailed) |. 978 | |. 144 | | |N |30 | 30 |30 | |Facilitating_Service |Pearson Correlation |-. 056 |. 273 |1 | | |Sig. (2-tailed) |. 769 |. 44 | | | |N |30 |30 |30 | Figure 2. 5 is a method which researcher used to cross check the variables entered into SPSS system. Listed variables are the independent variables which would influence the dependent variables which is the customer satisfaction. Incorrect input in the independent variables and dependent variables may causes error in output and mistake interpretation. |Figure 2. 5 Variables Entered/Removed | |Model |Variables Entered |Variables Removed |Method | |1 |Facilitating_Service, Supporting_Services, |. Enter | | |Core_Servicesa | | | |a. All requested variables entered. | 3. Estimate the Regression Model At this point, stepwise regression which is a procedure that the independent variables entered or removed from the regression equation one at a time is used in this analysis. There are several methods that can be used which include forward inclusion, backward elimin ation and stepwise solution. Backward elimination will be employed as all independent variables are included in the equation and the variable is removed one at a time. (Malhotra, 2009) a) Overall Fit of the Model Figure 2. is a summary of model which R denotes the correlation coefficient between independent and dependent variables (Malhotra, 2009). The result shows that 66. 5% of the independent variables (Facilitating Service, Supporting Services, and Core Services) correlated to customer satisfaction. Subsequently, the R-square signify how much the independent variables explain the variation of the dependent variables. The value indicates 0. 443 which interpret that 44. 3% of the total variation of customer satisfaction is accounted by the variation of the predictors. The models points out predictors explain 37. 9% which means 62. 1% of the variation in customer satisfaction is not explained. Hence, there opt to be other variables that influence the satisfaction. This issue occurs might be due to the small sample size. By increasing the sample size, the value of ‘r’ may increased to at least 0. 6 |Figure 2. 6 Model Summaryb | |Model |R |R Square |Adjusted R Square |Std. Error of the Estimate | |1 |. 665a |. 443 |. 379 |. 83194 | |a. Predictors: (Constant), Facilitating_Service, Supporting_Services, Core_Services | |b. Dependent Variable: Customer_Satisfaction | b) ANOVA Table With the model on hand, researcher will use the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to check if the model considerably good degree of ‘best guess’ the outcomes (Field, 2008). Referring to the result of ANOVA has generated F at 6. 889 with the significant level of 0. 001. This shows that the model can predict the outcome of the customer satisfaction significantly well. |Figure 2. 7 ANOVAb | |Model | |b. Dependent Variable: Customer_Satisfaction | |Regression Coefficients | |Figure 2. Regression Coefficientsa | |Model | At this step of the analysis, Figure 2. 6 shows the details of the model parameters with the beta values and significance of each variable. (Field, 2009) Before building any equation model base on the regression coefficients, the significant value of each variable is first taken into considerations. The t-statistic tests the null hypothesis that the b is zero. If researcher fail to reject the hypothesis, it indicates that the independent variable contribute si gnificantly to the customer satisfaction. The variable, facilitating service is at significant level of 0. 30 which is less than 95% confident level. This has indicated that the facilitating service is not important towards the customer service. Hence, this variable would be removed and regression analysis is rerun. As a result, facilitating service is removed and only left two variables which are shown as below (Figure 2. 7) |Figure 2. 9: Variables Entered/Removed (with Facilitating Service Removed) | |Model |Variables Entered |Variables Removed |Method | |1 |Core_Services, Supporting_Servicesa |. |Enter | |a. All requested variables entered. After removing the facilitating service from the model, R results shows that 62. 5% of the core and supporting service is related to the customer satisfaction. Figure 2. 10 shows that there is a slight decrease of R and R-square as compared to before removing which may indicate that facilitating service explain not much towards customer satisf action. a. Overall fit of the model with Facilitating Service Removed |Figure 2. 10: Model Summary with Facilitating Service Removed | |Model |R |R Square |Adjusted R Square |Std. Error of the Estimate | |1 |. 625a |. 390 |. 345 |. 85401 | |a. Predictors: (Constant), Core_Services, Supporting_Services | |b. Dependent Variable: Customer_Satisfaction | b. ANOVA Table with Facilitating Service Removed Figure 2. 11 shows a similar result as before omitting the facilitating service. The model has a good prediction of the outcome of customer satisfaction. |Figure 2. 1: ANOVA with Facilitating Service Removed | |Model | |b. Dependent Variable: Customer_Satisfaction | c. Regression Coefficients with Facilitating Service Removed After deleting the facilitating service (Figure 2. 12), researcher can observe the relationship between customer satisfaction and independent variables (supporting services and core services) from the b value. Deleting the facilitating service has made changes towards the values of b as compared to the earlier result. Thus, the core service has a beta value of 0. 492 larger than the supporting service of 0. 366. This would indicate that the core service which is the connection related variables would have a greater impact on the customer satisfaction over the supporting service (customer service). In addition, both independent variables have positive relationship with the customer satisfaction as the b value is positive. Thus, when the supporting services or core services increases, the customer satisfaction would increase as well. Moreover, Collinearity Statistics column helps to identify multicollinearity. As a rule of thumb, if the value of tolerance is below 0. 20, multicollinearity is a problem. The higher the correlation between independent variables, the smaller the value of tolerance becomes. Field, 2009) On the other hand, variance inflation factor (VIF) value has always been greater than or equal to 1. If the value of VIF is high, there is high multicollinearity and instability of the b and beta coefficients (Field, 2009). After deleting the unwanted variables, the tolerance value and VIF value and improved. Hence in this case, there isn’t a problem for multicollinearity. |Figure 2. 12: Regression Coefficientsa with Facilitating Service Removed | |Model | d. Collinearity Diagnostics Figure 2. 13 also helps indicate if there is any problem with multicollinearity. There isn’t very low Eigenvalue and high condition index; hence, they might be no indication of problem with multicollinearity |Figure 2. 13 Collinearity Diagnosticsa | |Model |Dimension |Eigenvalue |Condition Index |Variance Proportions | | | 4. Interpret Regression Variate With the current result, both variables seem to be contributed significantly to the model. And so, linear relationship equation can be generated with two independent variables: Y = ? + ? 1X1 + ? 2X2 The appropriate model will show as below when the ? is substitute with the value in Figure 2. 12: Customer Satisfaction = 0. 652 + 0. 366 (Supporting Services) + 0. 492 (Core Services) Furthermore, the model explains that even there is no supporting services and core services, there will be a minor satisfaction level (0. 652) which is the constant ? value. 5. Validate the results In order to validate the results of regression analysis, the plot below is generated. The examination of residuals provides useful insights in determining the appropriateness of the underlying assumptions and the regression model fit. Figure 2. 14 show that the graph shows a quite clear linearity. Hence the results of regression may be valid [pic] Figure 2. 14 Conclusions Through the regression analysis, the model below is generated. Customer Satisfaction = 0. 652 + 0. 366 (Supporting Services) + 0. 492 (Core Services) In conclusion, base on the sample size of 30, it is clear that facilitating services (billing) is not significant towards the customer satisfaction. As a result, the supporting services and core services is important in influencing the variation of customer satisfaction of internet service provider. The model may not be generalized to the population as the sample size is small and data is collected base on convenient sampling.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Review of Leadership and Management Essay

Critical Review of Leadership and Management - Essay Example They include planning, leading, organizing, staffing, coordination and control of the organization. Additionally, for management to be successful, they all the principles have to be involved in the management process. Globalization has led to the increase in the entry of new firms into the market leading to increased competition (Minkova 25). For a firm to make it and obtain a larger market share, the organization has to employ a perfect and skilled management. Management operation managers are the leaders of most of the roles in the organizations. These leaders have to be chosen wisely since they are the core of operations that determine the failure of success of a firm. The level of technology also affects the type of management and their approaches to help they attain the set goals and objectives (Saxena 25). However, the main observed management competence is communication. It involves communication skills involved in the conveying of messages from one department to another. Mana gement systems include human action that is taken to employ various strategies such as redesigning the workplace to come up with a better management system. To be a manager, one has to manage him/herself before managing the other employees. These are part of the work and leadership ethics. According to most economists, they contribute to the growth an expansion of a business or organization. Management competences have to be put in place to help in the management process in an organization. This is due to the network of senior and junior employees who all have to contribute to help in the success of the organization. The observed management competence in the organization is communication since it has contributed to most of the successes of the organizations. Communication may between employees of the same rank or different ranks. It may also be between employees, customers, suppliers and the external environment (Schmid 48). Communication is a major aspect of success. For high compe tence levels, firms should employ good communication skills in the management systems. Communication may be oral or written. All channels of communication should be able to be accessed by the workers. Channels of communication include those from the same rank (also known as horizontal communications channels) and those from staff in the different rank (also known as vertical communication channels). Vertical communication channels between the junior and senior staff should be put in place to make sure that they interact freely. This will create room for brainstorming and provision of new ideas and innovations that will help in the success of the business. In most cases, it is used as a competitive strategy. Managers should be able to pass information without any barrier to the junior staff issuing them with the right duties. Horizontal communication channels on the other hand include passing information between staff members of the same rank. It happens after information is received from the higher management systems. Duties are shared among the staff members, and the results sent back to the managers. From observations in the organization’s management, the communication levels between employees were not in the right manner. This is because most of the members did not have proper communication channels. They relationship between the employees acted as a communication barrier. When employees are not in good terms with each other, they tend not to talk or communicate with each other in any manner. Due to these reasons, the managers are not able to pass on information to their juniors in the expected channels. In the end, it contributes to the failure of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organisational Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Organisational Change Management - Essay Example For organization or firm to achieve sustainable change it need to begin with clear understanding of the current state of the firm , then followed by implementation of appropriate and targeted strategies ( Capps & Hazen, 2002). Whereby the focus of change management will be on the outcome that will emanate from change. The new arrangement need to be clearly understood, where the change process usually apply mainly to structural or task change which can either be transformational or incremental (John & Suzy). From Cao and McHugh (2005), Organization change is often stimulated by external factor, which often lead to loss of market opportunity and dramatic increase in services. Organization undertake technical, structural and strategic shift. Thus organization evolve to different level in their life cycle e.g. an organization can change from being reactive organization to a more proactive and stable organization (U.S. Congress, 1990). Key changes in D2 firm include those presented by com peting firm, world economic crises’, increased competition from well-developed firm, competition from international market. In responding to these changes D2 need to change and improve the product and the way they channel those product to the market. It is not only D2 that is facing substantial change, many similar firm are facing similar changes where global competition and technology innovation are transforming the expectation of involved work force (Byeon, 2005). D2 to mange within the emerging environment need to adapt and adaption mean change, it is a fact that we can replicate yesterday practice and expect to achieve the success we had in the past , reality is that yesterday assumption and practices are no longer valid and may no longer work for today thus , if a firm is to maintain competitive advantage , and deliver strategic objectives. Attract and retain base customer, a firm need to respond to respond to new circumstances in a very proactive, measured and in an agi le manner (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1998). It can be inferred from Boulding (1956), that a comprehensive management change strategies should lead to the desired objectives in a way that create sense that enable sustainable and measurable improvement in a way that build capability of responding in the future. Organization face strong resistance to change, this mainly because people often have fear of unknown ( Beeson & Davis, 2000), while many people think things are fine the way they are and don’t understand the immediate need of change, hence recognizing the need of change and acting on it can proof to be difficult decision for managers and leaders to implement (U.S. Congress, 1990). Change require proper management of people confusion and anxiety, (Bausch, 2002) on the other hand management of people excitement over the change and engagement, this are major emotion that most managers find difficulty in handling (Ashmos & Huber, 1987). Management of change process play fundamenta l role in the success of change oriented project (McKenna & Mitchell, 2007). Many people are often inherently cynical about change, and conflicting goals during change process often set drawback to organization change (Alter, 2007). Resistance is often seen as natural defense mechanism for those who are at the verge of losing something (Tsoukas, Haridimos & Robert ,2002), hence reason for resisting change are so varied, they can include loss of security, money

Monday, November 18, 2019

My father credit card Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My father credit card - Essay Example Lastly, there is the issue of varying shades of honesty, theft, and moral values that have been violated. Firstly with respect to the fact that the father has found out that his credit card is missing, this is an important piece of the puzzle due to the fact that the student has not otherwise chosen to tell the father that he has stolen the card. This action in and of itself tells the reader a great deal about what the ultimate intent of the student was with regards to how he intended to use the card and even perhaps why it was originally stolen. However, once the card is noted as missing, the father still has no idea what has happened to his card and whether he has lost it naturally or whether someone has stolen it from him. It is at this juncture that the moral turpitude of the student (me) would come into play. Rather than merely destroying the card, disposing of it, blaming it on someone else, or placing it in a likely area that he may have lost it, I would need to take the mature responsibility to own up to the theft that I had done. Though the right choice is of course the best de cision, it is not necessarily the least painful; rather, it involves confronting the situation and handling it with a degree of courage. This choice of honesty is the hardest moral choice with regards to the situation due to the fact that other immoral and dishonest choices have previously been made; therefore making it far easier to merely continue in lying and deceit to ensure that the theft is never recognized or noted. Moreover, a supreme lack of respect has been illustrated within the given situation and will therefore require a level of apology and contriteness on the part of the student (me). Ultimately, the situation will be determined based upon the realization of what is right and even though a series of mistakes have been made, the right and moral decision

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Skodas Marketing Turn Around

Skodas Marketing Turn Around How did Skoda manage this major turnaround in the public perception of the company? Analyse the changes that have taken place [55 marks]. In your analysis, you should use knowledge of management strategies and approaches that you have gained from the module or further study [40 marks]. Please make sure that you give clear and complete references to the sources of any of the concepts or information on the company that you include. In the early 1990s Skoda was a struggling company, faced with a shortage of skilled labour, low productivity, high debts and low sales (North, 2009). Skoda was producing out-dated and unreliable cars, causing its brand to be synonymous with unreliability. VW turned around its fortunes with changes in technology, management practice and marketing. Key to its product offering was the utilisation of VWs common platform approach, another cornerstone was the recognition that the brand required a complete overhaul. Skoda is now a successful part of the VW Company and for the large part has seen strong sales and profit. More recently, tough market conditions have made business difficult with most competitors suffering. Skoda however, has found itself in a stronger position than many; an astonishing achievement considering its poor market position only 20 years ago. Skodas roots are based in early 19th Century Czechoslovakia when Và ¡clav Laurin  and Và ¡clav Klement began to produce their own bicycles. This progressed quickly to motorcycles and eventually automobiles in 1905. It was not until the 1920s when Laurin and Klement became partners with Skoda Works, the conglomerate arms manufacturer and the origin of the enduring name. After the global depression in the early 1930s, Skoda successfully exported models such as the Popular until the break out of World War 2 and the German occupation. During this time the Nazi occupation directed industry efforts towards arms and munitions and hence production in this period sharply fell. Post World War 2, Czechoslovakia fell behind the iron curtain and became part of the centrally planned communist soviet government. Designs were overhauled and updated models were still being developed through until the 1960s. However, at this point western technological advancements overtook that of Skoda and the i nherent inefficiency within the centrally planned economy began to take an effect. Towards the end of the communist regime Skoda were still producing models based on those from the 60s and subsequently became the basis of ridicule for poor reliability and quality (North, 2009). This is essentially the basis of the tarnished brand that had to be rebuilt in order to achieve its current position in the market. Skoda was producing cars that were poor compared to its competition and using technology that was hopelessly out of date (Edmondson, 2007). Ailing Skoda was bought by VW and began to turn Skoda around, largely by integrating it into its own highly successful business model the part and eventual complete sale by the Czechoslovakian government to VW represented an innovation in government foreign business policy (Lengyel Cadil, 2009). In order to compete in western markets in which capacity for cars exceeded demand resulting in a buyers market. In order to survive from competition, it needed to assess its product offering and brand image in the pursuit of market perceived value. In order to address Skodas issues VW re-aligned Company objectives to produce a quality value car and a strong brand image. In order to increase the efficiency and quality of the Skoda production, VW began to train employees in its management methods. Management across different businesses require consideration for organisational culture especially when working within an international setting (Naylor, 2004 pg120-121). The VW management had to deal with differences in business culture. Initially VW training did not improve the productivity of the Czech production plants, as the Czech engineers had adopted a very flexible improvisatory way of working. VW employed strict control on methods and made use lean production methods such as the just in time (JIT) management. Although it is generally more efficient and cost effective (Naylor, 2004, pg 510-511), JIT can involve short delays or pauses whilst waiting for the correct parts to arrive to maintain quality. This contrasted with the Skoda improvisatory style of working. VW took on more of a Human relations approach to its management, and by understanding and respecting Skodas business culture it was able to break down inflexible aspects of the old Skoda culture whilst working with other parts such as their vast and varied experience in order to bring about successful change. The management adapted their management style from a very directive role to include aspects of behaviour in order to deal with the cultural differences and more effectively manage the new workforce (Naylor, 2004 pg 10-11). The management also introduced novel methods to achieve Total Quality Management (TQM), this reduces the number of errors on the production by making everyone responsible for quality control as opposed to only checking for faults at the final stage of the production line and therefore increasing productivity (Naylor, 2004 pg 510-511). To achieve this VW introduced the Red Button which halted the production line when a fault was spotted by a member of staff. This introduction encouraged personal responsibility for fault checking. The knowledge that anyone could halt the assembly line and highlight individual errors combined with the fact that more errors were spotted and corrected before reaching the end of the assembly line resulted in less errors reducing the number of defects. After making changes to the management and workforce to deal with VWs culture, VW began to work with Skoda on its new vehicles, based on the VW common platform approach. The common platform approach allowed many cars to share the structure. This allowed Skoda to immediately take advantage of the latest advancements of VW technology, massively reducing the cost required to produce a new model. The common platform approach allows for innovation at the visible customer-facing parts of the vehicle. Creating a flexible management and employing VWs methodology worked well for Skoda. The result was the creation of cars which were as if not more reliable than VW badged counterparts. The Octavia beat its VW counterpart the Golf in endurance tests (North, 2009). The result of combining VW management and technology with Skoda know-how had resulted in cars that were more reliable than VW was producing on its own. Skoda now produces quality vehicles winning awards across Europe and the world (appendix 2.) including Car of the Year in India 2009 (Skoda, 2009). This high quality production also resulted in high customer satisfaction scoring Skoda highly in independent customer satisfaction surveys. In the 2007 European consumer satisfaction and quality studies, it ranked top ten in France and Germany and in Britain ranked 2nd (Edmondson, 2007). From internal customer research Skoda discovered that 98% of its customers would recommend Skoda to a friend (The Times Online). From the outset and throughout the introduction of the new VW based Skoda models, the branding of Skoda was overhauled. From the outset It was clear initially that Skodas brand was poor in most of Europe, Skoda was associated with cheap poor quality and unreliability and VW spend a large amount of money to Decontaminate the brand image adverts admitted flaws of the past 548 changes and Its a Skoda honest (North, 2009). In 2006 Skoda reviewed its market position and conducted a SWOT analysis. It was clear that the brand was still within a Niche Market an assessment of its brand suggested that although Skoda had been successful at disassociating itself with low-budget and low quality it still had a weak and neutral image compared with its competitors. (The Times Online) It was also clear that Skoda owners were happy about owning a Skoda and. Skoda decided once again to reposition its brand to gain market share in the mainstream car market. Skoda responded with a new marketing strategy, again leaving behind its successful brand defensive tactics. Its new market strategy was based around the happiness of its owners as shown in satisfaction surveys with the confident slogan the manufacturer of happy drivers. Promotion centred on this emotional draw with adverts such as the Cake during the advert the actual car is not shown at any point (The Times Online) This flexible management, commitment to quality and brand recognition gave Skoda the over-haul it needed. Since VWs take 20 years ago, Skoda sales have quadrupled to 650,000 cars and are responsible for 25% of VWs profits. Skoda product positioning was competing with other upmarket brands such as VW and Audi not only on price but also on quality (North, 2009). Skodas success followed the introduction of the Octavia and the Fabia, these were based on VW platforms this allowed the underlying chassis to be based on underlying modern, tried and tested technology. The Octavia beat its upmarket rival the Golf in endurance tests proving that management organisational and cultural changes at Skoda had allowed for the culmination of VW management and Skoda experience had produced a product even better than VW alone. In 2005 Skoda moved to diversify its brand by expanding its range into new and growth markets segments such as MPVs and SUVs allowing it to diversify and increase the size of its target market these also sold well. Similarities with Skoda can be found in Rover. Rover founded in 1877was nationalised in 1970 caused by labour strikes and financial difficulties. It was then privatised and passed around to various parent companies. Its issues with an out-dated and un-reliable product, with poor brand image and financial instabilities were never resolved and resulted in MG Rover declaring bankruptcy in 2004. Skoda was a struggling company, turned around by VW. Key to its success were VWs management strategies combining directive and organisation approach to management VW was able to aid Skoda in producing a competitive product and a strong brand image. Skoda is poised for future growth within both western and emerging markets (Edmondson, 2007). Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved 03 1, 2011, from The Times Online: Edmondson, G. (2007). Skoda: Volkswagens Hot Growth Engine. Bloombery Businessweek, sep 14 2007. Lengyel, B., Cadil, V. (2009). Innovation Policy Challenges in Transition Countries: Foreign Business RD in the Czech Republic and Hungary. HUMAN CAPITAL, INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE, Volume 16, Number 1, 174-188. Naylor, J. (2004). Management Second Edition. Prentice Hall. North, P. (2009). The Rise of Skoda . Engineering Automotive, pg 25-26. Skoda. (2009). Skoda Annual Report . Appendix 1. Laurin Klement is the original brand name used by the founders of the bicylcle company they started in 1895 which became Skoda, named after the company founders Và ¡clav Laurin and Và ¡clav Klement. As at the end of 2009, Ã…Â  koda Auto Groups worldwide workforce comprised 26,153 employees including 1,986 temporary employees and 1,336 people employed by subsidiaries of Skoda Auto Group. In 2009 Skoda Auto Groups injury rate was 1.6 injuries per one million hours worked. In 2008 Skoda Auto Group achieved 200,182 million CZK from sales and 10,818 million CZK in profit after tax. In 2009 Skoda Auto Group achieved 187,858 million CZK from sales and 3,462 million CZK in profit after tax Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Skoda, Seat and Scania are all part of the Volkswagen group. Source: Skoda Annual Report, 2009

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

lung cancer Essay -- essays research papers

LUNG CANCER   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lung cancer is a carcinoma that develops in the epithelial cells that form the interior lining to the lungs. The airways get the most exposure to inhaled pollutants, thus most people who get lung cancer are smokers. Lung cancer is not just one disease. There are many types of cancer that form in the lungs most of which you can only see through a microscope.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most common cancer of the lungs is epidermoid. It is also known as squamous carcinoma because its cells look like a flat surface called a squamous cell. This cancer produces keratin, a substance found in skin and hair, which can be seen in a tumor. Squamous carcinoma is more common in smokers because it develops in the bronchi and spreads by invading local tissues, than to the lymph nodes and into the blood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Large - cell carcinoma is a tumor that is fairly larger than other types. They don’t form keratin but they are common in smokers. They develop in the central or peripheral part of the lungs and the lymph glands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Small cell carcinoma tumors are small and fragile. They are divided into groups by their shapes. The term â€Å"oat cell carcinoma† is used to develop in smokers and usually in the central part of the lung. They spread by the lymph glands and into the blood stream early. This type of tumors can only be seen through an electron microscope on high magnification. A rare type of lung cancer, which develops from hormone producing cells are carcinoid tumors. They have a much less malignant course than small cell carcinoma.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lung cancer has been blamed on many factors but the most important is smoking. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. The more often and longer a person smokes increases there chances of lung cancer. Cigarettes are supposed to relieve stress and depression, thirst and hunger. In reality they are only killing inside of you although you cant see it. Many people who have smoked for years figure the damage is already done so why quit. The risk of death from lung cancer is related to the number of smoked cigarettes per day and the age the smoker started. There is only a small risk for non smokers to develop lung cancer. Although there is a risk of people who are around a lot of smokers from second hand smoke.   ... ...ave lost a lot of weight or who have had prior radiotherapy are likely to respond poorly to drug therapy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By: unknown  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Particular audience Essay

It is confidence building to remember that all experts were at one time students and entry-level members in their career fields. With this in mind it will help to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you might feel when you first make contact with them. There are many possible avenues to locating and interviewing an expert. However, there are key tactics that can be utilized in order to increase your chances of landing your first choice. This brief essay will outline a plan of action in order to increase the odds of finding success with your expert interview. To begin, make a list of possible experts relevant to your subject. Some of the best ways to find these experts are in calendar of events in newspapers, magazines and on television. By keeping your options open you can rest assured that if for some reason one of the experts does not wish to participate, you will at least have back-up options. The next key, after locating your expert and establishing a method of contact – whether online of offline – is to establish your credibility. Tell them or send them a link to where they can find examples of your work, or of the institution that you represent. This will show them that you are legitimate and that your will reach a particular audience. Once you have established a working relationship you need to set a date and time. Remember that you are asking for their time, so be as flexible and accommodating as possible without compromising your deadline. When the interview comes, be prepared. Have your recording equipment ready and make sure you have done your research so that you can ask insightful questions. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you will be. At the conclusion, let them know you will send them a copy of the interview for their records and thank them for their time.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Clinton v. Jones essays

Clinton v. Jones essays The basic idea that is raised in this case is separation of powers. To be more specific we can ask ourselves one question: Is the president of the United States of America immune to civil cases involving the personal life of the president? The two parties in the case Clinton v. Jones are William Jefferson Clinton and Paula Corbin Jones. William Clinton at the time of the incident was the governor of Arkansas. Paula Jones was an employee of the state of Arkansas. Jones claimed that Governor Clinton had made sexual advances toward her which she rejected. Following the continued rejection of Governor Clinton, Jones was punished by her supervisors. The case first went to District Court. In District Court, Clinton wanted to suspend the case totally on the grounds of Presidential Immunity. The judge declared that the case shall be put on hold until after Clinton finished his term. The case was appealed. At the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, the court agreed with district court but reversed its decision to postpone the case because it would be an unlawful use of Presidential Immunity. The case proceeded to the Supreme Court of the United States of America with one question: Is the president allowed immunity from civil cases in events that occurred before he or she took office? The United States of America during this time was in a state of awe as the Pathfinder landed on Mars, the comet Hale-Bob is seen, the Heavens Gate Massacre occurs, sheep are cloned, Mother Theresa dies, Princess Dianna is killed in a horrible car wreck, Taiwan is returned to China, there is peace in Chechnya, and Pol Pot finally goes on trial. The case came as a surprise to the world as all of these things were happening. The funny thing is that Paula Jones filed the case just before the deadline for filing a civil case was over. Across America, this case led to the investigation of President Clintons personal life by Kennet ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Stem Cell and Cloning essays

Stem Cell and Cloning essays Negative Consequences of Stem Cell Cloning In Alclous Huxleys science-fiction novel Brave New World the characters speak of a process they call budding . The description of budding has recently popped back into society. Only in todays terminology it is called stem cell cloning. The character, the Director, explains that using one bokanoviskified egg could create ninety-six human beings where as the natural egg would have only created one natural human, and this was progress. Ten years ago the thought of cloning a human resurfaced again in the form of entertainment. A comedy, Multiplicity, was released in 1996, the main character Doug, portrayed by Michael Keaton, had three clones of himself. The clones were made to help him with everyday tasks and extra projects. Each clone looked identical; however they each had their own personalities that were markedly different from one another. The very next year the first successful animal was cloned, a sheep named Dolly. Since those early years many more animals have been clo ned and researchers have actually attempted to clone human beings. The effects of cloning will eventually lead to an unequal balance of power between man and science; leading to disruption and possibly chaos throughout the world. Scientists will create a world in which they become the god, by holding the power to create and destroy human life. The term clone simply means to replicate. There are three types of cloning; molecular, embryo, and stem cell cloning. Molecular cloning uses DNA fragments for medical practices. Embryo cloning uses the whole organism to replicate non-human animals. Finally, stem cell cloning is the practice of duplicating stem cells from somatic cells in tissue cultures. Stem cell cloning is asexual reproduction; the method of this type of cloning is generally referred to as somatic cell nuclear transfer. The nucleus o...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Economic Chartacteristics of the Airlines Research Paper

Economic Chartacteristics of the Airlines - Research Paper Example Here are some of these characteristics. The high levels of capital intensities are associated with airlines. The range of various equipment required to run an airline cannot be compared to the budgeting of a regular size office. We have basic equipment like the ticketing computers, scanning equipment, and other necessities ranging all the way to the planes themselves and the maintenance equipment (Gordon, n.d.). The industry then proves to be a capital-intensive business when you keep in mind the cost of all these fundamental airline equipment. Therefore, most airliners will end up procuring this equipment through loans or even hiring them from other companies. Airlines are also characterized by a high level of labor intensity. For a standard airliner to function well, it will need to hire a number of highly skilled personnel to make it work. This skilled personnel is inclusive of the pilots, flight attenders, plane mechanics and engineers, baggage handlers, security officers, the catering department, managers, accountants and this list has also included lawyers of late (COMPANY BRIEF: Airlines, 2008). All these laborers, as they might be termed as, require to be paid, and as we all know, skill does not come cheap. This character associated with airlines has a great economic implication in the industry. Airlines are also characterized by their nature to be seasonal. This translates to just that, ‘seasons’. It is known that most of the worlds’ masses travel a lot particularly during the summer season. This is because most of them are going on vacations, which create what can be termed as a ‘good season’ in the airline industry (Borenstein, 2011). The winter season, on the other hand, does not involve a lot of traveling leading to a notable decrease in the market of the airline industry. These seasons create an

Saturday, November 2, 2019

In the majority of cases plastic surgery not only improves the Essay

In the majority of cases plastic surgery not only improves the external appearance of the person, but it also makes the individual more confident and happier - Essay Example Hence, beauty is regarded by today’s generation as necessary and not a choice. However, not everyone is fortunate to be born with natural external beauty. Nevertheless, the tremendous advancement in the area of medical science has a solution to this problem. Presently, if one has an adequate amount of financial resources one can improve their physical appearance. The method of cosmetic surgery can provide one with an improved external appearance and possibly a better life. Cosmetic surgery is a surgical specialty of medical science that deals with a variety of corrective treatments (Gail, 2000). The objective is to enhance ones outward physical appearance by changing particular features. In the 1990s, people could not even think beyond particular kinds of hair transplant or methods of face-lift or lips enhancement. Presently, one can choose from different beautifying procedures that can improve almost all parts of one’s body, beginning from the head to the feet. With the fast paced advancement in this area of medical science it is not beyond the bounds of possibility to acquire the alluring lips of Beyonce, as it is also not impossible to get the buttocks of Jennifer Lopez. With the assistance of certain surgical methods such as Rhinoplasty or nose surgery, Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery one can become the owner of an enhanced external appearance. Non-facial cosmetic procedures have likewise become important in defining beauty. Liposuction and breast implants are some of the well known cosmetic procedure that promises one to give an improved outward appearance. Other modern procedures likewise include different kinds of facial implants and chemical face peels that help one maintain a youthful appearance or correct hereditary imperfections. The bottom line is that self confidence is huge factor of success and a beautiful appearance adds to one’s confidence. That is why there is little reason why one should not grab the